Artificial Intelligence

After many long years of research, artificial intelligence has become a reality. High-performance chips make it possible to develop neural networks, which can be used to make machine learning progressively more efficient and pattern recognition more precise. Sensors that can be rolled out inexpensively and on a massive scale supply the necessary information to the AI. Across a huge variety of applications and in almost every industry today, systems with artificial intelligence are already proving to be a useful tool for improving our lives.

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

The human face of AI chatbots

Artificial Intelligence enables suitable gestures

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Neuronal networks simulating the brain

Flexible as a human being


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The Quintessence of Artificial Intelligence

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Pattern recognition trough AI

Pattern recognition digs deep for relevant information

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Forms of Artificial Intelligence

Weak, strong and super-strong intelligence

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence

Core competence of Artificial Intelligence

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Drones controlled by AI

The superior drone pilot

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Autonomous driving thanks to AI

Cars are getting smart

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Ethics and principles of AI

The case against black-box algorithms

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

AI better than the doctor?

Artificial Intelligence diagnosis

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Chips driving Artificial Intelligence

New architectures for better performance

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Retail: “Anyone who fails to adopt AI will die!”

Opportunities for retailers

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Self-learning robots thanks to AI

Almost like a living organism

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Faster to intelligent IoT products

With a pre-industrialised software platform

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is moving into smartphones and wearables

Easier to use, more benefits

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

AI smarter than humans?

AI has developed into a key technology

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Better speech recognition thanks to Deep Learning

A life made simpler with speech recognition

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

The challenges of powering Artificial Intelligence

Guest editorial Clayton Cornell (Infineon)

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

Sensors as a basis for AI

Eyes and ears of AI

Markets & Technology | Artificial Intelligence

AI in production

AI as a driver of growth for industry