
As humanoid companions, autonomous vehicles, surgical assistants or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), robots are now even taking over areas in industry outside of their inherent use. Equipped with powerful microprocessors, artificial intelligence and high-precision sensors, robots are able to work directly with people, autonomously perform tasks in an unknown environment and even recognise the emotions of a human counterpart.

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Optimal orientation: future navigation

Navigation solutions for mobile robots

Markets & Technology | Robotics

AI – the Learning Robot

Simulating the human brain


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The Quintessence of Robotics

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Parcel delivered by 6D9

Sustainable revolution in delivery services

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Untiring warehouse operative

More efficient logistics processes with autonomous robots

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Robots in the military

A question of ethics

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Smarter cleaning

Solution for commercial building cleaners

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Ultra-precision surgery

Operating with no human control

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Help to get people back on their feet

Smart machines for a more independent life

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Mission to Mars

Humanoid robot for space travel

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Hands off the wheel

The first self-driving city bus

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Robot on-Board

Emotional service robots on cruise ships

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Job killer or Job driver?

Two views on the robotized work environment

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Robots in Automotive Industry: A real help

A robot assisting car production

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Flying robot in micro-format

The robotic insect RoboBee of the Harvard University

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Out of the box

A sensitive robot for everyone

Markets & Technology | Robotics

The first passenger drone is cleared for take-off

Autonomous air taxis operating soon

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Security robot on patrol

SAM2 - the high-tech security guard for car parks

Markets & Technology | Robotics

The gentle touch: Robotic grippers

More performance thanks to fog computing

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Seeing more: New camera technology for 3D vision

How technology detects objects

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Robots in the fog: Fog-computing

Robots need wider control systems

Markets & Technology | Robotics

A robotic helper around the home

A robot as a companion for all the family

Markets & Technology | Robotics

Human & Robot: From a tough guy to a softie

How machines and people are collaborating