
Future markets such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0, wearable technology, smart cities or robotics offer exciting opportunities for the electronics and semiconductor industry. Analyses and forecasts on market potential and technology trends.

Forecast | Human Machine Interfaces

The world of Human Machine Interfaces

From light switches to gesture control

Forecast | Future Mobility

Semiconductors – paving the way for a changing world of mobility

Market Overview: Future Mobility

Forecast | EV Charging

More power for electromobility

Electromobility is picking up pace in Europe

Forecast | The World of Semiconductors

Semiconductor industry in the throes of change

Market overview: The semiconductor industryin the throes of change

Forecast | Sustainable Energy

Energy-saving hacks for everyday

How to reduce your carbon footprint

Forecast | Sustainable Energy

Sustainable development

Facts and figures on energy demand and renewables

Forecast | Sustainable Energy

The decade of sustainable energy

Market Overview EBV Elektronik

Forecast | Smart Cities

Smart Cities are a mega-trend

A trillion market for the electronics industry and for manufacturers of networked devices

Forecast | Passion for Technology

Progress in technology 2021

Facts and figures on technological development

Forecast | Passion for Technology

Passion for Technology

How Techies change the world

Forecast | Edge Computing

Edge Computing – Facts & Figures

Facts and figures on technological development

Forecast | Smart Systems

The world is getting smart

Huge market potential for Smart Systems

Forecast | Wearables

Wearable technology is taking off

Gigantic sales forecast by market experts

Forecast | Internet of Things

The inter­connected world

Immense market potential for IoT solutions

Forecast | Industry 4.0

Realisation of Industry 4.0

Great chances for the electronics industry

Forecast | Wearables

Wearables – the next big thing

Wearable market booms: the link between people and IoT

Forecast | Wireless Connectivity

Growing IoT Market – More and more Connected IoT Devices

Market Overview EBV Elektronik

Forecast | Robotics

Booming robot market

Industry and service robots on the rise

Forecast | Artificial Intelligence

From pure fiction to a real market opportunity

Artificial Intelligence – 25 per cent annual growth