Edge Computing

In the future, more than half of all data in IoT applications will be processed using edge computing. As well as reducing the burden on the cloud, this leads to faster response times, greater reliability and increased security. Edge computing thus provides a basis for many future technologies – from 5G to Industry 4.0 through to autonomous vehicles. It even allows AI applications can be executed directly on devices instead of having to be diverted via the cloud first.

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

What are Human-Machine Interfaces?

Interfaces between humans and edge devices

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Multiple fisheye-stereo cameras

Adaptation to the automotive sector


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The Quintessence of Edge Computing

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

What is AlfES?

As small as a fly, as smart as an elephant

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Demands on intralogistics are growing

…automated guided vehicles

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Edge Computing helps AI take off

Complex analyses are performed on site

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

ACAPs – Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platforms

Die nächste Chip Generation steht bereit

Markets & Technology | Passion for Technology | Edge Computing

High-speed communication with 5G and Ethernet

Edge Computing in the wireless industry

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Data storage in the future

Memories full of data

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Embedded Software and its colourful world

Tendency towards open framework solutions

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Smart cameras keep everything squarely in their sights

...the popularity increases

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Edge solutions: Consumer sector

Smart ovens or intelligent televisions of tomorrow

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Building automation

– a new type of property

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

What is an Adamm?

Greater efficiency in healthcare

Markets & Technology | Edge Computing

Retail of the future

...how the IoT is changing retail