Sustainable Energy

The transformation to a climate-neutral economy is urgent. But the energy sector is already on its way, as the interview with Francesca Gostinelli, manager at the energy company Enel, shows. From generation to consumption, clean technologies are paving the way to sustainable energy. Costs are falling, markets are growing and never before have the benefits of the energy transition been so clear.

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Blockchain technology in the energy market

Trading electricity more secureley and easily

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Increased yields from wind power

More efficient systems


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The Quintessence of Sustainable Energy

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

A new era of energy thanks to hydrogen

A core element of future energy systems

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Data centres becoming greener

Energy consumption per gigabit falling

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

HVDC for low-loss electricity transfer

Direct current at high voltage

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Energy Harvesting and its energy potential

Energy from our surroundings

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Sustainable energy without borders?

The potential offered by sustainable energy

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Climate neutrality not without negative emissions

Capturing and using CO2

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Electric motors

The invisible solution to the climate problem

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Sustainable Buildings

Clean heat for the home

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Electromobility in focus

Charging faster, travelling further

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

DC grids transport low-loss current

Climate-friendly low-voltage grids

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Green fuels replaces fossil energies

Security of supply based on e-fuels

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Liquid air as an alternative

Innovative solutions for long-termn storage

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Redox-Flow batteries as a solution?

Wanted: A sustainable superbattery

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Pumped-storage plants

Power storage facilities on a large scale

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Hydropower as an important contribution

A green bolt from the blue

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Stable smart grids in spite of renewables

Grid digitalisation

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Supercapacitors speed up reactions

Flexibility for high energy volumes

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Fuel cells: a beacon of hope

Harmless water vapour instead of CO2

Markets & Technology | Sustainable Energy

Cheap electricity from photovoltaics

The power of light