Wireless Connectivity

Soon, the volume of data ­exchanged will double year on year. As an increasing ­proportion of such data is transferred wirelessly, it is wireless connectivity that will revolutionise the information landscape. Irrespective of whether we talk about the Internet of Things or mobile computing – wireless technologies have an influence on practically every ­industry, every sector and also on ­people’s personal lives.

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

Sigfox, LPWAN & LoRaWAN – Definitons and applications

Smart Cities subsist on information

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

Massive MIMO & Beamforming – What is it?

New solutions for ever higher requirements


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The Quintessence of Wireless Connectivity

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

On the way to Industry 4.0 with WirelessHART

A text message from the factory

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

A better life in a Smart Home

Thanks to the new Thread technology

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

What is ZigBee?

Complex lighting mood with one click

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

What is a Smart Grid?

Future Markets Magazine explains!

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

What is Near Field communication?

From a fitness tracker to a mobile ECG

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

Wireless in aircrafts – 30% fewer cables

… Thanks to LiFi and Co.

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

What is Bluetooth – Revolution of the Audio Industry

Headphones and smart speakers

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

What is RFID – Alternative for Logistics?

Global tracking thanks to new wireless technologies

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

Autonomous driving is inconceivable without wireless technologies

Today there are already numerous wireless applications in cars

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

The future of wireless technology

Facts and figures

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

Higher networking, lower power consumption

A spotlight on energy efficiency

Markets & Technology | Autonomous Vehicles | Wireless Connectivity

The variety of wireless technologies…

… in a nutshell

Markets & Technology | Wireless Connectivity

Are wireless systems safe?

Encryption, authentication and more